Thursday, April 29

Up to speed




So we arrived here and checked into the YWCA... very funny! Stayed in Mongkok for a week, had a few interviews, and did a little sightseeing. Discovered a nice little church on the ground floor of the YWCA called City Church International.

And then we moved. To the Hong Kong countryside... Yuen Long. This is where we find ourselves, sharing a very colourful house with a few very colourful characters... and so are the days of our lives.

Here we spend our days and nights until we find our fortune, discovering the chinese culture and its beautiful surroundings, trying to calmly communicate with taxi and bus drivers,  holding your breath until the smell passes and basking in the cloudy/rainy weather. Aaaah bliss!

Oh yes, and we went to Macau for a weekend. It was nice, but I don't know if I'll go there again soon... at least not untill I made my first million and can afford to stay in one of the premium hotels. It's like a conservative version of Las Vegas... pretty, neat and expensive. Something worth seeing once in your life.


First stop: Dubai International Airport; 19 March 2010. The worst airport experience to date. The dirtiest bathrooms, most unfriendly customer service, and nowhere to sleep... You can't take a nap on the chair next to you or lie in the floor... Torture! Spending 10 hours in a little plastic chair - after an 8 hour flight - is not for the faint hearted.

I don't know why people say Dubai is cheap because the airport is definitely not. Everything is so bloody expensive that I ended up scraping my coins together to buy a nice cup of coffee...(Starbucks!!!) seeing that it would be the only food I'll be consuming for the next 10 hours of my life. From now on there will be no more round trips through Dubai. Goodbye Emirates.