Monday, December 27

Mongkok Shopping

Quite frankly the best shopping you'll ever experience in your whole lifetime. If I had my way, they would declare Ladies Market the 8th wonder of the world (and everyone would eat ice cream for breakfast, hehe).
Woaw... what on earth is that dreadful smell? Smells like something died from chronic diarrhea and something else came to eat it and spat it out again and ate it again and exploded to form a new planet of it which in turn imploded because it couldn't handle it's own stench..... my point: worst smell I've ever smelled in my entire life. I couldn't walk two steps without having a gag reflex. Finally I turn around just to discover... it's someone's dinner being cooked on the sidewalk. Nice. 
On a lighter note, we had some delicious espresso mocha frappachino. And it was lovely.