Sunday, May 2

Chinese Take Aways

Yes! We all love Chinese take aways. And our favourite Chinese take away has to be Egg Fried Rice. So recently one of my Hong Kong dreams came true when I received a cooking lesson from a Hong Kong local. What was on the menu? Of course, Egg Fried Rice.

So now I've been making Egg Fried Rice every day for the past month. Am I bored? Of course not! I am a master :-) And this is how we do it:

1. Prepare your rice in advance. To be truly authentic you should use rice left in the fridge from the day before. This will add to the sticky texture. The best rice to use is Thai rice - its a eastern luxury - but any rice will do.

2. Heat some oil in a pan and add some chopped ginger and an onion. Fry until onion is see through.

3. Lower heat and add some frozen veggie mix. It's best to use the pea, corn and carrot mix. Put the lid on stir occassionally untill cooked.

4. Add a few eggs. Scramble.

4. Lower the heat and add the rice. Mix and warm the rice. Add some chopped green onion - yummy! - and a tea spoon of sesame oil.

5. Remove and serve with some soy sauce as seasoning. Enjoy!

This is the very basic recipe for Egg Fried Rice. I have a few more complex versions as well. If you want some, send me your email. Bon Appetite!