Monday, May 3

I Want A Pet

So after living in Hong Kong for a while, I found out no one here eats dogs or cats. Why don’t you know! The one thing my friends and family warned me about is a myth (well at least in Hong Kong). What I actually DID find was how much Hong Kong’ese people love their pets. Every day and night you see people walking their pets and picking up their doodoos all over town. There are pet shops and veterinarians on every street corner. And I do love pet shops... so I can’t keep myself out of them! And these are the cutie pies I fell in love with. I WANT ONE!

This is a Standard Poodle Puppy. This WILL BE my pet soon. I love this dog SO much! Because of the long coat, they don't give off any hair. So no mess on your furniture or clothes, and people with allergies wont be affected. All together an awesome dog to have!

I love this guy! Isnt he adorable? When I saw him in the pet shop the first time, he freaked my mind. Little rodenty guy that bounced around like he downed a couple of red bulls a second ago. Because I dont speak Cantonese I couldnt find out what he is called and had to go look through some animal books to find him. Yes, indeed, this is a ChinChilla! And I want one! I got to think though... if he jumps like a croney on acid, where do you keep him so he wont fly away? And then I found this:

A ChinChilla cage. How cool is this! You don't only have a totally awesome pet, but part of the deal is building a totally awesome cage! Who doesn't want one now!