Monday, May 3

Public Transport

Something I have been looking forward to most when moving to Hong Kong. At last I can save some petrol and monthly car payments and use public transport! But now I am typing this from the pavement of the grocery store bus stop waiting for my bus that was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago... with an old Chinese lady in purple leopard print spandex blowing her cigarette smoke in my face... and being a little more thankful for the car I had back in SA. Don’t get me wrong, I still love using safe public transport here in the East. Trains are marvellous things, but it’s the bus that is the end of me. They are supposed to come every 15 minutes, but you always end up waiting with your heavy bag of groceries, sore feet and no place to sit for at least 15 minutes longer than the scheduled time. It doesn’t sound very long but before you know it time adds up and your whole morning has suddenly disappeared by the time you enter your front door after only stepping out to get a carton of milk. Note to myself: My next house will be close to a MTR train station and busses will only be for emergencies!